How Does Blue Light Therapy Work on Spider Veins

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Before you read anything about 'spider veins,' don't freak out over the name; it has nothing to do with actual spiders, we promise.

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias in the scientific community, are blood vessels that are highly visible underneath the skin. Usually, they occur underneath the skin of our limbs, but it's been known to appear more or less anywhere on the body in a web-like fashion, similar to a spider's web.

If you think it's just visibly unpleasant and nothing to worry about, think again. More than 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from this problem. Almost half of all women are at risk of developing spider or varicose veins (a very similar and related disease), and it's highly likely to be passed down genetically. Read further, and we'll explain to you all the dangers and causes of spider veins and how you can tackle this problem safely and effectively.

Symptoms and Causes

As mentioned before, spider veins can steam from something called varicose veins, which is a similar type of vein disease. Varicose veins are swollen veins that become apparent just underneath the skin's surface. Disruptions and irregularities in blood pressure throughout the body can cause some veins to enlarge. All this built-up blood and pressure can lead the way to further problems and the development of spider veins.

Know that varicose veins can lead to spider veins and not the other way around. Apart from making the skin look lumpy and twisted, it can also cause irritated skin, swollen parts of the body, aching, and muscle cramps. So, needless to say, it's not just a cosmetic problem that many people feel insecure about, but something that can affect a regular, active lifestyle.

Currently, not much progress has been made in the medical field to tackle spider or varicose veins, other than the recommendation of wearing compression stockings or clothing to help reduce swelling. The only area making huge hurdles in helping people overcome this vein disorder is light therapy.

What is blue light therapy and how to treat it

Light therapy, specifically blue light therapy, uses low-wavelength blue-colored light with a combination of heat to help various surface skin and internal body issues. Shining the non-UV light on the problematic body area for 10 minutes a day has been proven to positively affect issues such as acne, skin texture, sun damage, enlarged skin glands, scarring, and of course, vein disorders, to name a few.

So how does blue light therapy work? The light promotes blood circulation and helps it deliver oxygen and other nutrients to various parts of the body. This is key to helping battle spider veins or varicose, seeing that the main problem is irregular blood flow.

The light will, over time, reduce the swelling and blood build-up and naturally reduce their appearance underneath the skin, eventually dissolving them completely. It's a non-invasive and non-pharmacological method, so you can use blue light therapy freely. Whatever stage of vein disorder you may be experiencing, try blue light therapy to get your life back on track.

Luckily, Kaiyan Medical produces MDSAP-certified and FDA-approved light therapy products and devices for your own at-home treatment or even for your patients. We've worked hard to provide solutions for both patients and healthcare practitioners, catering to various needs. Whether you're looking to private label your own light therapy devices or for home use, contact our team, as we would love to help you through your light therapy journey.